Wednesday, October 1, 2008

From 10/1: For the Love of. . .Rhetoric?!?!

Perhaps you have more to say on the nature of love. Does Plato have it right or does something seem amiss? Or perhaps you'd rather comment on the art of rhetoric and the power of persuasion - certainly an interesting subject during the last few weeks of the presidential campaigns. Let the debates begin!


Anonymous said...

in this last weeks discussion i found the allegory of the cave to be one of the best examples of a philosophical point and once understood, reveals more light than the sun to the fire-guided slave. the fire in the cave represents a fake truth because it is the mad-made light that the founders of the city are using to shine light on their imaginative figures (imagine a cardboard cut-out of a lion compared to the real deal).the slaves are all bounded and looking the same way because it represents the universal view of a city. when the slave leaves the cave he is blinded because the sun is so bright in revealing the real truths. grass is the purest green, the sky is the brightest blue-all because they are real and not a made up facet of the founders' imagination. that is why the fire is so dull; it is not real.

Anonymous said...

While speaking of Socrates execution last week the subject of death was brought up. One of the things that I found very interesting was the question of whether death is the cure. If this is true we ask ourselves why Socrates lived as long as he did. The first answer that popped into my head as I’m sure did in many others what the theory that Socrates lived such a long life because he wanted to teach people. This concept can almost be seen in the theory of the cave as well. Once you leave that cave it is your duty to pull people out of the cave into a better world. Socrates, realizing that death is the better life feels that he should educate others on the matter for most of them probably would not be able to learn that on their own. For Socrates death is the cure of life but teaching is the answer to life.